
Animals are important items within your farm. With them, each player can have different bonuses, being able to have only 1 animal or up to 3. The effect of each animal will not be staked, for example, 2 chickens will not benefit the player.

Each animal has a different bonus, choose or combine their advantages.


Cost: 6000 gFARM

Bonus: The chicken will increase the speed of energy recovery for 7 days.

Totaling a maximum of 30 daily energies.

For more information on time using the chicken, use the link below:


Cost: 20000 gFARM

Bonus: Harvest twice as much on the lettuce. Therefore +40.

When you ask for a withdraw, the cow will disappear from your field.​​


The pig works differently from other animals, rather than you buy it for the bonus. The player must make a 7-day stake to use their bonus.

Stake: 50000 gFARM

Bonus: +15 in all plantations


For reasons of a better player experience, our team reduced the cost of gas in each transaction making the animals internal items of the game.

*all values can be changed according to the availability of animals.(Law of supply and demand)

Last updated